Integra Dental Group is a high end Cosmetic Dentistry Center located in San José, Costa Rica dedicated to provide exceptional dental care for patients from around the globe.
In 2011, a group of dentists specialized in the best universities in Latin America (Colombia and Chile) decided to carry out a project, with the aim of offering, in one place, the full range of specialized dental services.
In 2012, the project is completed and Integra Clinic opens its doors in the Medical Tower of Momentum Pinares locoted at San José, Costa Rica were you can also take advantage of other facilities as Hyatt Hotel, drug store, spa, varied gastronomy, and others.
Our Vision is based on providing dental health to patients, from an integral point of view, offering total coverage for all necessities the patient may have concerning our field.
Step 1 Orthopantomography and/or CT scan
Send us a copy of any panoramic (orthopantomography) or a CT Scan and specify details of the dental treatment you need or will like. In a maximum of 2 days you will receive an answer. Please send a CT Scan by We Transfer to
Step 2 Treatment plan
Study the treatment plan proposed by aur specialists. Once you receive all the details and agree, contact us to coordinate dates so you can reserve your flight and hotel as well as transportation, tours, etc.
Enyoy your new smile.
You can continue enjoying our country`s beauties or can return to your place.
“Un equipo de profesionales treméndamente preparado que me aporta total confianza, tanto para mí como para toda mi familia. Sin duda, los recomendaría.”
Fernando Camacho.
“Antes me daba vergüenza sonreír porque no estaba cómoda con mi dentadura. Desde que visite Integra me siento más cómoda y segura de mi misma. Muy recomendables..”
Priscilla Rodríguez.
“Tenía que ponerme implantes dentales y no sabía a quien acudir. Pedí varios presupuestos y finalmente me decidí por la clínica Integra Dental, me ofrecieron las mayores garantías y un trato excelente. Ahora ya he terminado el tratamiento y he de decir que todo el equipo me ha parecido muy profesional y cercano. Quedé encantada!
Melisa Santana
Centro Comercial Momentum, Pinares Curridabat, Costa Rica, torre médica, 2do piso, consultorio C-12. \\ Tel: (506) 4702-4351
Monday – Friday 09:00AM – 19:00PM
Saturday 09:00AM – 12:00MD